Perplexity Initial Thoughts

I recently tried out the Perplexity app and was quite impressed with the results. While I’ve not spent enough time to come to a conclusion yet, what really delighted me was the time it took to answer my question. Searching through Perplextiy felt like speaking to a friend who knows what exactly you are looking for and spoon feeding the response.

I searched for how should I select an uploaded image on Notability inside Perplexity search. Without clicking a single link, Perplexity walked me through the image selection process whereas Google showed an answer to a different question altogether. Perplexity not only understood this simple question correctly, it shared a step by step process to resolve my query instead of an incorrect response as a summary. See screenshots below.





As the competition in AI technology intensifies, the key to success will be a product’s ability to understand and quickly answer user queries.

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